My Home Garden
I aspire to turn my family’s home garden into an edible landscape where my family and communities can…
Gardening Collective:
Gardening builds community but sometimes gardening requires community too. Time, space, and knowledge can also be barriers to gardening. Building a network of gardeners that garden collectively could provide the support and resources required to get over this hurdle.
Projects that the Gardening Collective could participate in in my garden include...
Sustainability Literacy
I aspire to start projects that educate communities about resilience, adaptive management, local ecological knowledge, and social capital to inspire action and paradigm shifts.
Ideas so far include...
I aspire to turn my family’s home garden into an edible landscape where my family and communities can…
- participate in food production,
- skill-share,
- develop local ecological knowledge,
- harvest food and medicine,
- and transform or preserve plants for eating or medicinal purposes
Gardening Collective:
Gardening builds community but sometimes gardening requires community too. Time, space, and knowledge can also be barriers to gardening. Building a network of gardeners that garden collectively could provide the support and resources required to get over this hurdle.
Projects that the Gardening Collective could participate in in my garden include...
- Cob Oven Building
- Herb Spiral
- Lasagna Gardening
- Edible Forest Gardening
- Landscaping
- Greenhouse (
Sustainability Literacy
I aspire to start projects that educate communities about resilience, adaptive management, local ecological knowledge, and social capital to inspire action and paradigm shifts.
Ideas so far include...
- Bio-blitz
- Lexicon of Sustainability
- Project Localize
- Skill-Shares